BLIA Dallas Chapter


Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Dallas Chapter was founded in September 1992 in accordance with the declaration of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which advocates "promoting Humanistic Buddhism and creating a Buddha's Light Pure Land." The office is located on the third floor of the International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) Dallas. After 30 years of planting and cultivating the seeds by the successive elder advisors and presidents, currently, there are BLIA DFW First and Second Subchapters, BLIA Plano First and Second Subchapters, and BLIA YAD Dallas, with nearly 300 active members.

In addition to the annual general meetings that are held at the end of the year, the Chapter organizes various reading clubs and seminars, visitations to the Buddhist families, parent-child outings, Buddhist camps of different age groups, senior camps, charitable aid programs, and elderly care program. In terms of community service, the Chapter has taken the initiative to adopt Terrace Elementary School as an educational partner for the affiliated district; furthermore, the Chapter is a member of the Richardson Interfaith Alliances. In 2018, the “National Day of Prayer” was held. The mayor and people of various religions from the community were invited to participate. In April, during the Muslim month of Ramadan, the Muslims were invited to come to the temple to discuss the “meaning of Ramadan.” During the winter months, the Chapter partnered with the Richardson Network of Communities Ministries and GLOWS (Garland Overnight Warming Station), a homeless assistance organization, to organize a winter warmth drive, distributing warm clothing and hot food to those in need.

In 2019, the five elder advisors established the Elder Advisor Committee to help the Chapter better promote Buddhism. The bimonthly publication of "Buddha's Light Newsletter" also allows all members to share the development of the BLIA’s affairs.


In the “Origin of the Buddha's Light International Association,” Venerable Master Hsing Yun said, "BLIA does not belong to any sect, monastery, or individual, but opens to all new Buddhists around the world who share the mission and the spirit of BLIA.

We hope that you will join us and serve the public by broadly building good affinities!

We pay homage to the Triple Gem with reverence and actively devote our lives to the propagation of Buddhism.

We uphold the principle of Humanistic Buddhism and wish everyone healthy and have a happy family.

We practice the Buddha’s teachings in everyday life and always maintain a devout and solemn mind.

We cultivate compassion, wisdom, and diligence for the benefit of all beings.

We respect our members and greet them warmly in every occasion.

We develop the wisdom that is within ourselves through the right understanding and right view.

We experience the Dharma joy through the eradication of ignorance and defilements.

We vow to liberate all living beings from suffering and experience the Pure Land on Earth.